LTC Premium
Compared To
WA State Employee LTC Payroll Tax

Monthly LTC Plan Premium
Monthly State Payroll Tax
Benefit Features
LTC Lifetime Maximum Benefit
Monthly Benefit
Inflation Benefit
Not Included
Not Included
Not Included
Not Included
Not Included
Nonforfeiture Benefit
Not Included
Not Included
Not Included
Not Included
Not Included
Monthly Premium
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
Spouse Monthly Premium
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
Benefit Features
LTC Lifetime Maximum Benefit
Monthly Benefit
Inflation Benefit
Not Included
Nonforfeiture Benefit
Not Included
Monthly Premium
$ 0.00 $29.25 $29.25 $29.25 $29.25 $29.25 $29.25 $29.25 $29.25 $29.25 $29.25 $29.25 $29.25 $29.25 $30.08 $31.00 $32.00 $33.00 $34.00 $35.17 $36.33 $37.58 $38.83 $40.17 $41.58 $43.00 $44.50 $46.08 $47.42 $49.17 $51.17 $53.33 $55.75 $58.17 $60.92 $63.92 $67.00 $70.42 $73.17 $77.17 $81.67 $86.67 $92.17 $96.83 $103.67 $111.42 $120.08 $129.58 $140.08 $151.42 $163.67 $176.83 $190.92
Spouse Monthly Premium
$ 0.00
Total Monthly Premium Without Marital Discount
$ 0.00
Total Monthly Premium With Marital Discount
$ 0.00
Benefit Features
LTC Lifetime Maximum Benefit
Monthly Benefit
Inflation Benefit
Not Included
Nonforfeiture Benefit
Not Included
Monthly Premium
$ 0.00 $43.75 $43.75 $43.75 $43.75 $43.75 $43.75 $43.75 $43.75 $43.75 $43.75 $43.75 $43.75 $43.75 $45.42 $47.58 $49.92 $52.25 $54.75 $57.33 $59.92 $62.67 $65.42 $68.00 $71.00 $74.08 $77.42 $80.83 $83.75 $87.67 $91.92 $96.58 $101.50 $106.42 $112.25 $118.50 $125.25 $132.42 $138.08 $146.92 $156.83 $168.00 $180.25 $191.33 $206.75 $224.00 $243.17 $264.33 $287.33 $312.33 $339.25 $368.33 $399.33
Spouse Monthly Premium
$ 0.00
Total Monthly Premium Without Marital Discount
$ 0.00
Total Monthly Premium With Marital Discount
$ 0.00
Benefit Features
LTC Lifetime Maximum Benefit
Monthly Benefit
Inflation Benefit
Not Included
Nonforfeiture Benefit
Not Included
Monthly Premium
$ 0.00 $65.58 $65.58 $65.58 $65.58 $65.58 $65.58 $65.58 $65.58 $65.58 $65.58 $65.58 $65.58 $65.58 $68.08 $70.75 $73.67 $76.67 $79.83 $83.17 $86.67 $90.42 $94.25 $97.92 $102.25 $106.83 $111.67 $116.83 $121.58 $127.50 $133.92 $140.83 $148.25 $155.50 $164.17 $173.67 $183.83 $194.75 $203.50 $216.92 $232.17 $249.08 $267.75 $284.67 $308.00 $334.25 $363.33 $395.42 $430.33 $468.17 $508.92 $552.50 $599.00
Spouse Monthly Premium
$ 0.00
Total Monthly Premium Without Marital Discount
$ 0.00
Total Monthly Premium With Marital Discount
$ 0.00

In the event of a discrepancy between the premiums shown here and the carrier rate calculation, carrier's information will prevail.

*Adjusted up to inflation see